Sundays Are For Sebastian—#44

Several months ago, I started a new weekly theme: Sundays Are For Sebastian. Sebastian is my five-year old and he says some of the funniest things–we have no idea where he gets his material since his mother and I are rather boring, serious people.

When we are in the car, we often play “name the artist” with songs that come over the radio. Shortly after we started playing, Sebastian came up with two answers:

1. “Bruno Mars”

2. “Not Bruno Mars”

A couple of weeks later, he broadened his responses to four:

1. “Bruno Mars”

2. “Not Bruno Mars”

3. “Katy Perry”

4. “Not Katy Perry”

He was quite good at determining the gender of the artist until the other day when Maroon 5 came on the radio….20140209-091902.jpg

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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22 Responses to Sundays Are For Sebastian—#44

  1. vicbriggs says:

    The world in green! Lovely


  2. Laura says:

    He is seriously such a darling kid! Love that picture!


  3. dentaleggs says:

    Everything should be seen behind goggles. What a cutie!


  4. Haha! I was confused with Maroon 5 in the same way when I first heard them eons ago.


  5. Lignum Draco says:

    I’m confused about Maroon 5 too. 🙂


  6. beduwen says:

    That boy obviously has good taste in music!


  7. These are hilarious. They’d be my favorite part of your blog, but that remains to be 1. That I love wine and 2. You seem like an unlikely candidate to like what I write about and I love that you do!


  8. rhchatlien says:

    Even with his four choices, he’s better at identifying current pop stars than my husband.


  9. PinotNinja says:

    That Adam Levine — he really does find a way to mystify and intrigue everyone.


  10. Bil says:

    My daughter told how much she like the song “Where the Sheep Have No Names,” by Me 2.


  11. bleppblog says:

    My daughter said: I like that song Where The Sheep Have No Names, by Me 2.


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