500th Post

I am not one for celebrating milestones: I don’t really “celebrate” my birthday nor our wedding anniversary (although I certainly should–convincing my wife to marry me has to be one of the greatest feats in human existence). I guess I celebrated a bit when I got my Ph.D. from Penn, but it has not really changed my life all that much–no one ever calls me “Doctor.” In fact, most of our mail is addressed to “Dr. and Mr. [and then my wife’s last name]” since my wife is a “real” doctor (she is a physician).

I don’t really celebrate this blog, either. I do have a couple of badges up–one for winning the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge (I won back when there were only 8 entries, instead of the 18-25 that we have been getting the last few months, but still, a win is a win). I also have a badge indicating that I was a finalist for the Wine Blog Awards last year for Best Writing on a Wine Blog. I sincerely still do not quite believe how or why that happened, but I plan to leave that up for a while (at least until it is abundantly clear that it was a fluke).

From Inc.

From Inc.

The only other time I mentioned that I had reached a posting milestone here on this blog was way back at post 100. Post 100 (actually it was post 101) was the start of the Ohmygod series, which I thought would be close to done by now (but it is not even close–I figure it will still be going well past Post 1000).

The biggest surprise, by far, however, was the unbelievable blogging community of which I have become a part. I have met some incredible people, both virtually and in person, which I never anticipated. Before I started blogging, I always thought “bloggers” were a bunch of introverted navel-gazing geeks that spent a lot of time in their parent’s basement. I guess that still might be true (but I rarely blog from the basement).

So thanks to all of you out there that take the time to read (or at least skim) my ramblings. I honestly try to think of you as I write, which hopefully is gradually making me a better writer.


About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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84 Responses to 500th Post

  1. joyofwine says:

    That’s awesome dude…and a lot of writing! Cheers!


  2. Just keep them coming… I’m sure a second #MWWC isn’t too far away either!!


  3. annetbell says:

    Congratulations. . . .great job! Big smiles. . .


  4. Laura says:

    That 500 is awesome and made me crave hello? Weird. But congrats!


  5. Congratulations ! Definitely a milestone !


  6. Thanks for taking us along on the ride. It’s been a lot of fun. And congratulations!!


  7. Liz says:

    Congratulations! 500 is my goal too, but it’s taking forever to reach there. I’m so happy for you!!!!


  8. Duff's Wines says:

    Have to say that 500 is certainly a milestone worth celebrating. Bravo!


  9. That’s a big milestone and I’ve enjoyed reading approx 459 of them.


  10. Darnit…not sure how that posted so quickly… was going to add THANKS! to it.


  11. Impressive as your posts are so thorough and enjoyable!


  12. vdiotte says:

    Keep going ! 501…02…03… to infinity. cheers


  13. talkavino says:



  14. Lauzan says:

    Congratulations!!! Bravissimo!


  15. paigesato says:

    Woot! And I’m excited to keep following the OMG series for as long as that lasts!


  16. linnetmoss says:

    500 is amazing! Well done. But you really should celebrate the anniversary. With Champagne. We have ours with potato chips!


  17. Jeff,
    Congratulations and that is a milestone considering the amount of time that some articles require to be written. I am sure that a fine bottle of bubbly should be enjoyed to mark this moment. You should be proud that your writing has been honored, though I understand the humble side of an author. Perhaps Sebastian will come up with the proper statement for this moment.
    – John


  18. Expat Eye says:

    Congratulations! Have to say I had much the same opinion of bloggers before I started myself! 😉


  19. acrusteaten says:

    So glad to have found your blog and pleased you let me harass you occasionally for wine suggestions. Keep it up!


  20. Lignum Draco says:

    Congratulations and well done. Now go open a bottle of champagne, as if you needed an excuse to.


  21. flippenblog says:

    Congrats. From the basement.


  22. Theresa says:

    I think you’re my blogging hero – interesting, funny, and now up to 500! Wow! Congratulations!


  23. Congrats. Here’s to 500 more.


  24. lulu says:

    Your blogs are great fun, and I enjoy them so much. It is amazing what connections we make through blogging.


  25. I don’t know how I came across this blog, but glad I did. What wine did you open to celebrate?!


  26. dwdirwin says:

    Congratulations! I always look forward to reading your posts- and I don’t have a basement to write my blogs in, but I do have a nice rocking chair… I guess that just makes me old!


  27. d d b says:

    Well said, bro. i enjoy reading your stories. Keep the rubber-side down!


  28. Congrats on the milestone! And I for one, don’t even have a basement, so that must just be a myth… 🙂 Camille


  29. attireclub says:

    Wow, amazing, congratulations!


  30. TIA says:

    You are awesome!! Hence the free wine on occasion! 🙂


  31. Congratulation ,nice achievement,hope to read the next 500 posts.jalal


  32. ChgoJohn says:

    Congratulations! I hear the 1st 500 are the hardest. These next 500 should be a breeze.


  33. Dalo 2013 says:

    Congratulations, wish you further success!


  34. Stefano says:

    Cool milestone – congrats! May your wine muse keep inspiring you for the next 500 posts! 😉


  35. chef mimi says:

    The world of blogger friends really is a wonderful experience that I didn’t anticipate either! Geeks or not, it’s fun! Congrats!


  36. 500 posts is certainly impressive and I can honestly say I really appreciated your Champagne posts – they were so helpful in preparing for my trip – thank you! Definitely looking forward to the next 500 🙂


  37. dakegrodad says:

    wow that is great . I always look forward to your posts the wed. wine challenge which I never have enough answers for and the “OMG” as well as sunday for Sabastian. thanks for the enjoyment.


  38. cyardin says:

    Big congrats, I have a target to chase down in the breakaway.


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