Sundays Are For Sebastian—#53

Sebastian is my five-year old and he says some of the funniest things–we have no idea where he gets his material since his mother and I are rather boring, serious people.

Over the weekend, Sebastian was with me in the car when we got rear ended by a kid who was texting while driving.

I hopped out of the car (after checking to make sure Seba was OK) and I was livid. Dropping F-bombs like they were going out of style.

Later, Tammy asked Sebastian about the incident.

Sebastian: “Daddy was really mad.”

Tammy: “How do you know?”

Seba: “He said a bad word.”

Tammy: “Really, what?”

Seba: “If I tell you will I get in trouble?”

Tammy: “No, it’s fine.”


Seba: “He said…[lowered his voice]…’Crap!'”IMG_4334

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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16 Responses to Sundays Are For Sebastian—#53

  1. Laura says:

    Darling. 🙂


  2. LOL 🙂 made my Sunday Sebastian xxx


  3. dwdirwin says:

    Cute 🙂 Unfortunately for me, my husband does not consider crap a bad word so he has no problem with the kids using it, so it falls to me to at least make sure they don’t use it outside the house!


    • I guess I would agree with your husband, but I am not the one making those decisions: kill, hate, darn it, (I could go on) are all bad words in our family. The boys really only have four things they CAN say: Yes, please, thank you, and zzzzzzzzzz.


  4. Glad you’re all okay. And maybe what a memorable lesson for both boys – the riding and listening and the driving and texting. Be well.


  5. I’m pretty sure I dropped ‘fuck’ on my own when I was seven. My parents took away my Marshall Mathers LP which really pissed me off haha.


  6. ChgoJohn says:

    Too funny. Thank heavens no one was hurt.


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