Sundays Are For Sebastian—#86

Sebastian is my six-year old and he says some of the funniest things–we have no idea where he gets his material since his mother and I are rather boring, serious people.

I was perusing my notes from the last few years, and here is another gem from this time two years ago:


Sebastian: “I forgot to tell you one more thing I wanted for Christmas–I want it to snow. And if it snows, then I want a sled.”

My wife: “What if it doesn’t snow? Do you still want a sled?”

Sebastian: “What am I going to do with a sled if there is no snow?”photo-44


About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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10 Responses to Sundays Are For Sebastian—#86

  1. sallybr says:

    Cannot beat the logic. I see a scientist in your family a few years down the line… 😉 (and one with a great sense of humor too)


  2. northernbike says:

    well, you can probably get a much better deal on a sled if it doesn’t snow


  3. TIA says:

    I’ll tell you what mine do with it…. Tie a rope to one end of the sled, and tie the other end to a bicycle, and then gives rides to two or more neighborhood children, down the cement driveway, without helmets…UNTIL… They get caught!! 😉 …. Its best he just not have one!!


  4. dakegrodad says:

    no point in getting a gift you can’t use immediately.


  5. What is not to love about these posts! Infinite wisdom and humor collide. Happy 2015 Dr. Jeff xo


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