Saturday Reminders–3/19/16


I do not have a ton of reminders today. I just don’t. I am out on the West Coast for a couple of weeks, and I am about to hop in a car and drive to Dry Creek Valley to do a little Merlot bottling. After that, this week is full of appointments and hopefully a bit of riding.IMG_2836

Last night on the plane (American Airlines), I once again asked for the “premium wine.” They used to have half bottles of Conundrum (which is nothing to write on your blog about, but is better than the little mini-bottles of schlock that is the only other choice). Once again I was informed that they did not have any of the premium wines (which had been switched to Chateau Set. Michelle).

The flight attendant then went into a long diatribe about how it had been at least six months, blah, blah, blah. I was trying to not let her see that my eyeballs were nearly stuck in the back of my head from rolling them so forcefully when I heard:

“But I will go to the front and get you some wine up there. White or red?”

All of a sudden, the flight was looking up.

My flight attendant (Rachel) went back to the galley but told me to let the other attendant (“Sue”) know that the two glasses of wine (two!) she asked her to get were for me. When Sue returned with my wine, I dutifully informed her that the glasses were for me. She looked at me and smiled.

Several moments later, I still had no wine in front of me.

Another several minutes passed when Sue finally asked another attendant to go back and ask Rachel who the two glasses of wine were for so that she could get them out of the way. Once again, I mentioned that they were for me.

She looked at me somewhat incredulously (clearly, no reader of this blog) and right after she handed two Budweisers to another passenger, she handed them to me with the comment: “Two glasses? A bit excessive, no?”

I uncharacteristically showed restraint.

Here are a couple of announcements:

  1. I have been harassing Ted, this month’s winner of the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge to come up with the new theme. Thus far bupkis. I guess retirees have time management issues.
  2. Perhaps my last Sip and Spin ever will be on April 15th at 7:00. So if you are going to be in Philadelphia and would like to attend my Spinning class followed by a wine tasting (I am thinking Loire Valley wines), better call Lifesport at (215) 236-0763 and reserve a spot!spinning


Have a great Saturday folks!

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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19 Responses to Saturday Reminders–3/19/16

  1. Jill Barth says:

    Two glasses is excessive?

    That’s news.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Terry says:

    thats why I fly Alaska Airlines

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Wine Culturist says:

    Spinning and wine sounds amazing! How’d you come up with that combo?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a rude attendant.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. okiewinegirl2015 says:

    I bet she passes out scotch like its candy….. Typical.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. shez says:

    I must commend you on your restraint. I probably–against all my better judgment–would have said something snarky that would have resulted in getting the air marshals involved…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The Wine Culturist says:

    Just wondering if you knew when the next MWWC is going to be yet? Would love to join in this time! Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

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