Sundays Are For Sebastian #381

Sebastian is our fifteen-year-old son and he says some of the funniest things–we have no idea where he gets his material since his mother and I are rather boring, serious people. 

For a year and a half now, Sebastian has had a girlfriend. The other day, she was over for dinner for the first time. I asked him what they wanted to eat and he gave his stock answer:

“I dunno.”

After a bit of prodding, we settled on chicken tacos. So I set out and made the following:

  • Shredded chicken breast (I cooked the chicken sous vide for 90 minutes, seared them on an 800° grill, then shredded).
  • Homemade black bean salsa (black and pinto beans, diced onions and peppers (red and green), corn).
  • Homemade greek yogurt coleslaw.
  • Homemade garlic guacamole.
  • Homemade pico de gallo.
  • Standard salsa.
  • Sour cream.
  • Shredded cheddar jack cheese.
  • Fresh tortillas.

After spending about 3 hours on the above, I called the kids down to dinner at which point Sebastian asked if they could have quesadillas instead of tacos.

I rolled my eyes, which my wife noticed and she told me to sit down and relax, she would assemble the quesadillas, which consisted of heating up the tortilla to melt the cheese, adding the chicken, then flipping to heat the other tortilla. Three minutes, each, tops.

The kids quickly added the desired sauces and such and then devoured their respective meals. As we were cleaning up…

Sebastian’s girlfriend (to Sebastian): “Wow, you’re mom is a great cook!”

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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