Monthly Wine Writing Challenge #6—Final Update

wine-stain1-3Since my last update, there have been (at least) four more entries for the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge, bringing the total number of entries thus far up to (at least) fourteen!

I remain very confident that we will break the record for total number of entries (15) since several incredible writers have not yet entered (Talk-a-Vino, Food and Wine Hedonist, The Winegetter, Armchairsommelier, and many more).

But there are only a few days left to enter! Remember, the deadline for entry is midnight, January 13th (although truth be told, as long as it is in by the time I post on Tuesday, 1/14 I will include it)!

Once again, the theme this month is “Mystery” and all the rules for the challenge (and all the previous challenges and entries) can be found here:

Monthly Wine Writing Challenge #6—Mystery

Here are the entries thus far (they can also be found over at Please let me know if your entry is not included here and I will be sure to do so (and reblog it at mwwcblog):

Wine Ramblings

An Edible Quest

Confessions of a Wine Geek

Michael’s Wine


Renenutet13 (First ever blogpost!)

Wayward Wine


Julia Bailey


Duff’s Wines

My Custard Pie

The Wine Raconteur

The Wandering Gourmand

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
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14 Responses to Monthly Wine Writing Challenge #6—Final Update

  1. I’m working on it . . . furiously editing. Will try to post mañana . . . Salud!


  2. asueba says:

    Here is mine….
    I hope it is alright. I was writing as quickly as I can. Fingers cross. Let me know if I need to change anything. Thank you.


  3. Still not struck by a muse or wine….I will try over the weekend. Good you left a weekend before the final entry. Can’t promise I will make it, things have been pretty crazy, but I’ll try. 🙂


  4. mwwcblog says:

    Reblogged this on mwwcblog.


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