MWWC9 Reminder

wine-stain1-3Well, I am off for another trip—this time to Salzburg, Austria. How can I possibly be going on another somewhat extravagant trip, you ask? Let’s just say that I marry very well. As I soar at 40,000 feet, I wanted to remind you about the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge (#MWWC9) as the deadline is fast approaching (a week from Monday). For those of you new to the game, this month’s theme is:


The rules

    1. The Challenge is open to anybody and everybody. It helps if you have a blog, but that is certainly not a requirement (contact me if this is the case).
    2. Write a post based on this month’s theme: “Fear”.
    3. The post should be at least tangentially related to wine (after all, it is the name of the challenge!).
    4. The post should be more or less around 1000 words (I routinely violate this rule, so it is just there as a “guide”).
    5. Include the Monthly Wine Writing Challenge badge (above) that was designed by the very first winner, The Armchair Sommelier.
    6. Once you post on your blog, link back to this post (or somehow notify me—email is best: jeff (at) thedrunkencyclist (dot) com), and I will be sure to include a link here as well as on all subsequent posts about this month’s challenge.
    7. It would be great if you tweet a link using the hashtag #MWWC9.
    8. Remember to vote!

The all important dates:

Deadline for submission:  Monday, May 5th, 2014

Voting Begins: Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Voting Ends:  Monday, May 12th, 2014

Winner Announced:  Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Thus far, we have seventeen entries:

The Armchair Sommelier: MWWC#9: Wine, Women and [a little bit] Wrong *

The Barrel Thief: Haunted by the Ghosts of Wine Tastings Past

binNotes: #MWWC9:Fear

The Cabfanca Files: Mr. X’s—Open That Bottle Night

Connoisaurus: #MWWC9: Paranoid, Phobic, and Terrified… Oh My!

Duff’s Wines: #MWWC9—Slowly Step Away From The Elderberries

From Vinho Verde to Barolo with Love: The Other Side of Fear and Rain Shadows

The Indian Paradox: Masala Vada, Mousetrap and Wine

The Joy of Wine: The Four Letter F-word

Please Bring Me My Wine: #MWWC9: Fear

renenuter13: MWWC9: What would come out of the wardrobe for you?

The Sweet Sommelier: Fear—Or Why I Say, “Bring on the White Zin!”

The Sybarite: Fear and Blogging in Salinas

Talk-a-Vino: Fears of the Oenophile

The Winegetter: Monthly Wine Writing Challenge #9: Fear

The Wine Raconteur: Fear and Loathing in wine tasting

Wine Ramblings: Fear and Loathing in wine tasting

Great entries, all, but a far cry from the usual 20-25 entries that we have been getting. So let this serve as a gentle reminder to get to the keyboard and get writing!

About the drunken cyclist

I have been an occasional cycling tour guide in Europe for the past 20 years, visiting most of the wine regions of France. Through this "job" I developed a love for wine and the stories that often accompany the pulling of a cork. I live in Houston with my lovely wife and two wonderful sons.
This entry was posted in #MWWC9, Monthly Wine Writing Challenge. Bookmark the permalink.

23 Responses to MWWC9 Reminder

  1. Ooh very tempted to have a go at this challenge but I’m a’feared!


  2. mwwcblog says:

    Reblogged this on mwwcblog.


  3. Ahhhh!!! Time to start thinking about it!!!!


  4. Don’t forget to enjoy some local wines, you lucky cyclist.


  5. connoisaurus says:

    #MWWC9: Paranoid, Phobic, and Terrified… Oh My!

    Maybe i’ll drop the hashtag in the title next time.


  6. Pingback: The Four Letter F-word | Joy of Wine

  7. Pingback: MWWC#9: Wine, Women and [a little bit] Wrong * | The Armchair Sommelier

  8. Pingback: Fear: Love Wine, Hate to Write | foodwineclick

  9. Pingback: Buying booze in the UAE | My Custard Pie

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